IGNATIEVA, Maria; STEWART, Glenn H; MEURK, C. (2010). Planning and design of ecological networks in urban areas
Selim Abdel CASTRO SALGADO, M. Arq. //Doctorado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo Ficha de lectura IGNATIEVA, Maria (2010) : Planning and design of ecological networks in urban áreas 17 Abstract Urban ecological networks are defined differently in ecology, urban planning and landscape ecology, but they all have linearity and linkage in common. Early urban representations evolved from the constraints of deep ecological structure in the landscape to built elements that must work around natural linear obstacles—rivers, coast-lines, dunes, cliffs, hills and valley swamps. Village commons were linked by roads (…) Grafted onto this visual connectivity has been an awakened ecological understanding of spatial dynamics. The emergent notion of ecological corridor functionality provided support for green linear features, although initially this was based on untested theory. The idea of organisms moving along green highways seemed logical,but only recently has unequivocal empirical evidence...