Amiryousefi, Mohammad; Barati, Hossein (2011). Metadiscourse: Exploring Interaction in Writing. London: Continuum.

Amiryousefi, Mohammad; Barati, Hossein (2011): Metadiscourse: exploring interaction in writing, ken Hyland, continuum, London Introduction Linguists’ interest in discourse in recent years is gradually shifting from the traditional focus on ideational dimension of texts and speech to the ways they function interpersonally (Hyland, 2004).Such a view argues that writers or speakers do not simply produce a text to convey information and to represent an external reality. They, however, seek to ensure that the information they present is understandable and acceptable (...) To communicate effectively, they anticipate their receivers' expectations, requirements and resources, and try to engage them in their texts and affect their understandings of them. (...) It is a concept which is based on a view of writing or speaking as a social engagement (Hyland, 2005; Dafouz-Milne, 2008). (...) It is, therefore, believed to play an important role in organizing the discourse, engaging the audie...