
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2020

HERNÁNDEZ SAMPIERI, Roberto; FERNÁNDEZ COLLADO, Carlos; BAPTISTA LUCIO, P. (2010). Metodología de la investigación (Investigación Cualitativa)

HERNÁNDEZ SAMPIERI, Roberto; FERNÁNDEZ COLLADO, Carlos; BAPTISTA LUCIO, P. (2010). Metodología de la investigación (5a ed.). México D.F.: Mc Graw Hill. 11 Investigación cualitativa. Marcos generales de referencia básicos Fenomenología, constructivismo, naturalismo, interpretativismo Punto de partida Hay una realidad que descubrir, construir e interpretar Realidad a estudiar Existen varias realidades subjetivas Lógica Inductiva: de lo particular a lo general Posición personal del investigador Explícita. El investigador reconoce sus propios valores y creencias Papel de los fenómenos estudiados Activos Planteamiento del problema Abierto, libre, no es delimitado. Muy flexible Uso de la teoría La teoría es un marco de referencia 362 Capítulo 12 El inicio del proceso cualitativo: planteamiento del problem...

Yaneva, A. (2009). Made by the Office for Metropolitan Architecture: An Ethnography of Design

Yaneva, A. (2009). Made by the Office for Metropolitan Architecture: An Ethnography of Design (1a ed.). Rotterdam: 010 Publishers. Recuperado de https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240917039 12 A quick scheme or a slow story? Shortly after I started working at the oma,13 I met Markus who was the head of amo14 at the time. He was intrigued by my study, but he could not understand why I wanted to spend so much time in the office following projects and architects at work. One day he came to me and sat on the table where I was working. He took a pencil and drew a diagram of the process. This was one of those step-by-step gradual rational design-process schemes that you often find in many books on design. 12-13 Happy with the visual result, Markus made a small ‘to do’ list for me to follow. He wanted to save me time by providing a quick overview of the stages of design at the OMA: ‘1 The research stage – at the end of this stage the content is defined; 2 The concept design – the ...