BERNTSEN, Duncan (2013): Pastoral manouvres. Ecologies of city, nature & practice

BERNTSEN, Duncan (2013): Pastoral manouvres. Ecologies of city, nature & practice; Architectural Design, London

(…) The opportunities and profits that planted open public spaces offer investors are actually the 21st century’s green ‘elephant in the room’; it cannot be seen due to its vast and intangible nature and hence remains unarticulated.
Developments in industry and business have generally taught us the importance of the continuous improvement at the heart of conventional industrial processes, education, architecture and research. It is holism, however, that favours creativity and adaptability.

Ecologies of everyday practice

The ecology of the city, architecture and the approach to green and public space can, and needs to, be richly layered and highly original to satisfy the intangible returns upon private investment being sought today (…) it needs a framework of research and practice within which a growing body of evidence, tools, methods and value can be developed, framed and tested. A pastoral, holistic architecture and practice needs to be accountable and radically creative to be effective beyond simple energy saving. To be sustainable, architecture should now reclaim the confidence to design a great many more aspects of a place than the building itself.


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